Who we are

Giiwednong Health Link (GHL) is comprised of fourteen (14) First Nation community stakeholders on Manitoulin Island and the North Shore of Lake Huron. It serves a population of approximately 27, 335 members, geographically dispersed in the Northeastern Ontario region.

To provide better access to health information for its member communities, GHL’s current project is the implementation of an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system in partnership with Indigenous Services Canada, and with the cooperation of service providers in the province of Ontario.

GHL has partnered with a recognized private industry leader, TELUS Health, to implement the Practice Solutions Suite (PS Suite) EMR, which is already utilized by many medical practitioners/professionals providing services in the member communities.

Our Vision

Improving the health and well-being of the GHL First Nations community members through digital health innovation.

Our Mission

We strive to be a Centre of Excellence that collaborates with GHL First Nations health care providers to:

  • achieve 1 client – 1 record, shared amongst all health care providers and available when needed and where needed
  • support informed decision-making based on accurate data

GHL Services

e-Health Solutions

GHL facilitates the implementation of eHealth solutions by being the contact point for the vendor and the First Nation health centres. Arranging for the necessary IT architecture and configuration, and verifying the technological readiness for the EMR system, GHL frees health centre staff to focus on optimizing their delivery of health care to their clients.


GHL attends and supports staff during the initial software training provided by the vendor, and then provides additional support, in person, by email or phone on an ongoing basis. GHL assists First Nation health centre staff adapt the software to their specific needs and provides suggestions on how to optimize its use.


GHL provides health centres with customizable templates that ensure the centres and their EMR users are compliant with the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004.

Board of Directors

President, Leila Macumber

Serpent River First Nation

Director, Vacant,

North Shore Representative to be determined

Vice President, Craig Abotossaway

Mnaamodzawin Health Services

Director, Floyd Ense

M'Chigeeng First Nation

Director, Diane Jacko

Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory

Director, Rhonda Peltier

Mississauga First Nation

GHL Staff

Michael McGregor

Executive Director

Evelyn Aguonia

Operations Coordinator

Evan Farquhar

IT Project Manager

Jesse Beaudin

Informatics, Privacy and Training Coordinator

Austin Rich

Informatics, Privacy and Training Coordinator

Ellie Poirier



Our First Nation Partners

Manitoulin Island Communities:
  • Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation
  • Sheguiandah First Nation
  • Wikwemikoong
  • Whitefish River First Nation
  • M’Chigeeng First Nation
  • Zhiibaahaasing First Nation
  • Sheshegwaning First Nation
North Shore Communities:
  • Thessalon First Nation
  • Batchewana First Nation
  • Garden River First Nation
  • Mississauga First Nation
  • Atikameksheng Anishnawbek
  • Sagamok Anishnawbek
  • Serpent River First Nation
Affiliated Aboriginal Health Organizations:
  • Maamwesying North Shore Community Health Services
  • Noojmowin Teg Health Centre
  • Mnaamodzawin Health Services

"The health centre will now operate with the data that is necessary to have a fully encompassing health delivery system, available at the fingertips of each practitioner. This will assist professionals and help attain health and wellness for all our members. "

Ogimaa Duke Peltier, Chief of the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory

Our History

Giiwednong Health Link (GHL) formed a Steering Committee of four Health Directors whose vision was to collectively gather 14 First Nations to work together to obtain a sustainable electronic health information solution tool (EMR) to improve the collection of data recording to enhance the delivery of health services to First Nation community members. Its goal is patient-centred care with one client—one record.

GHL Incorporation

On September 29, 2015, Giiwednong Health Link was officially incorporated under the Canada Not-for-Profit Act, Corporation # 945716-0.
In our first year of operations (2016-17), we:

  • April 1, 2016 started operations as a new entity
  • Board of Directors orientation and training
  • Project Management Office established with a team of six (6) staff
  • Development of organizational structures and digital health implementation plans
  • Vendor Change: Nightingale Informatix to TELUS Health – September 2016
  • Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory EMR – Go Live March 2017

Historial Events/Milestones