Our Solutions

The current project for 2018 is to implement EMR (Electronic Medical Record) systems and complete EMR training in all GHL First Nation health centres. An EMR is a digital version of a paper chart containing a patient’s medical history.

An EMR system brings the right information to the right people at the right time. It allows providers to track data over time, identify patients who are due for preventive visits and screenings, monitor patients’ vaccinations and blood pressure readings. It can integrate with various health providers such as First Nation health centres, hospitals, and Family Health Teams.

EMR Benefits:

  • Accurate and complete information about a patient’s health
  • Faster provision of care
  • Better coordination of care
  • More effective information sharing with patients and their family caregivers

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1300 Highway 540, Unit 3
Aundeck Omni Kaning, ON P0P 1K0


Stakeholder Benefits

To Health Care Staff:

  • Minimize risk of missing/forgetting important details
  • Check for drug interactions or contraindications
  • Monitor medication lists and current prescriptions
  • Maintain more complete, consistent and legible records for efficient, logical and reliable access
  • Access lab results and current medications quickly and easily
  • Graph lab results, medications and trends
  • Generate decision support and reminders for physicians and staff

To Community:

  • Improved health contributes to improved quality of life and a more vibrant community

To Community Health Prevention Staff:

  • Relevant client information in a single-view format
  • Tracking and reporting on community health prevention programs
  • Integrated with other health systems

To Clients:

  • Improved diagnosis and treatment
  • Significantly fewer errors within health records
  • Faster care and decision making responses from health care providers

"This will improve the referral system and allow for monitoring what referral is made, completed and how it is benefiting the client. We live in a technological world; let us embrace our new EMR system as we move forward to a client centred care where patients come first. "

Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Director of Health & Wellness Director, Carmen Wabegijig Nootchtai

Practice Solutions Suite

GHL has partnered with TELUS Health to implement the Practice Solutions Suite (PSS). PS Suite EMR is a powerful, intuitive clinical management system designed to optimize patient care, productivity and administrative capabilities. GHL is working in conjunction with its partners and TELUS to incorporate the Community Based Reporting Template into the EMR system. The aim is to reduce the additional workload on health centre staff that is required by the annual CBRT report.


  • Customizable workflow toolbars to optimize productivity with the software
  • Appointment and schedule management for single or multiple healthcare professionals and First Nations health program providers
  • Extensive template library, including automatic note and letter-generation tools
  • Developing Improved Reporting Mechanisms

Why Practice Solutions Suite and TELUS?

The data sharing functionality of the PS Suite EMR is a key factor in improving the health outcomes of the First Nation members, allowing Family Health Teams, Aboriginal Health Access Centres and other health care providers to share the same information.

PS Suite EMR includes Community Health Programming functionality, enabling First Nation health teams to track the status and progress of client intake into community prevention programming. Customized reports can monitor health program results.

TELUS Health is a leader in electronic medical records. It provides EMR solutions to more than 20,000+ Canadian physicians across the country, impacting more than 25 million client interactions each year.
